What was the NEED?
During the height of COVID I was challenged with creating tutorials to demonstrate to children how to give a saliva test sample. The need was for both elementary schools and summer camps. This is an example of me fulfilling this need by teaching my son how to be an actor. I created my own storyboard, script using my voice and my son’s voice, and reviewed with all my SME’s. Many of our clients were overly impressed and my son got a new toy out of the deal.
What Tools Were Used?
In this tutorial I used VYOND as my base for animation, Audacity for the voice over, Camtasia for the actual part of the video which demonstrates how to give a saliva sample, and PowerPoint for graphic editing. It was quite an interesting project setting up a green screen, microphone, and cue cards for this part of the tutorial. However, it was still a fun project!